Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Filtering questions and response lists > Filtering categorical response lists > Response lists that combine answers to previous questions
Response lists that combine answers to previous questions
You can generate response lists that contain answers that were chosen or not chosen at a number of previous questions. You can also make more complex combinations such that the response list contains answers chosen at questions A and B but not at question C. The basic approach to defining the response list in the metadata section is the same as when you base a response list on answers chosen (see Response lists of answers chosen at a previous question) or note chosen (see Response lists of answers not chosen at a previous question) at a single question; that is, you define all the possible responses that the question can have. In most cases this means using the same shared list that is used by the questions whose answers you want to merge, but you can list the responses in full at each question.
The following topic explain how to set up the most common types of response filtering; you can use these strategies to set up your own filters along similar lines.
Answers chosen in response to at least one question
Answers chosen at both (all) questions
Answers chosen at only one question
See also
Filtering categorical response lists