Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Dealing with errors > Standard error messages
Standard error messages
There are standard error messages that the interviewing program displays when a respondent selects or enters an invalid answer to a question. They are as follows:
Default text
Answer '{ANSWER}' ({CATEGORY}) cannot be combined with other answers.
Answer '{ANSWER}' is not valid.
Missing answer(s).
Answer '{ANSWER}' is not boolean.
Answer '{ANSWER}' is not a valid date.
Answer '{ANSWER}' is not in range '{RANGE}'.
Answer '{ANSWER}' is not an integer value.
Answer '{ANSWER}' is not numeric.
Only one answer is allowed.
Answer '{ANSWER}' ({CATEGORY}) has a response but is not selected.
You have used the browser buttons, please use the Next/Previous buttons below.
The thousands separator character is not allowed.
There are too few answers, at least '{MINANSWERS}' are required.
The answer does not have enough text, current length is '{LENGTH}',, minimum is '{MINLENGTH}'.
There are too many answers, only '{MAXANSWERS}' are allowed.
The answer '{ANSWER}' has too many decimal places. The maximum is '{MAXLENGTH}'.
The answer '{ANSWER}' has too many digits. The maximum is '{MAXLENGTH}'.
The answer has too much text, current length is '{LENGTH}',, maximum is '{MAXLENGTH}'.
If an error occurs on a question that is nested within another question, such as a question in a loop, the error is shown next to the nested question, as shown here:
Three-dimensional grid with messages for the repeated question only
The interviewing program also generates error messages at the question’s parent level but does not normally display them. The parent question error specifies the name and number of the subquestion that caused the error. This is repeated for all levels independent of how many levels of nesting there are. See Error messages for questions in loops and blocks for additional information about displaying error messages for these types of questions, and also some examples of what the messages look like on the screen.
The standard error messages are defined in a number of languages in the StandardTexts.mdd file in C:\Program Files\Common Files\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\<version> IOM. You can change these default texts using MDM Label Manager, or you can use Translation Utility to add translations in other languages. To change error messages for certain projects only, see Replacing the standard message texts.
Note If you change StandardTexts.mdd in any way you must stop and restart IIS to have your changes recognized. If you are running Windows 2003, you can stop and restart the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server application pool rather than restarting IIS if you prefer. This has the advantage of not affecting any other applications that may be using IIS.
When the interviewing program needs to use a standard message text it looks for it in the following places in the following order:
1 Helper fields defined in the metadata for the current question.
2 A StandardTexts block in the metadata section.
3 A default text in StandardTexts.mdd.
4 A default message stored internally in the interviewing program itself. These are always displayed in English unless you are running a translated version of the interviewing program.
See also
Dealing with errors