Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Page layout facilities > Styles > Question, response, and information text > Combining font settings in the metadata section
Combining font settings in the metadata section
If you are specifying styles in the metadata section, you can save yourself typing by combining font family, size, and effect parameters in a single font instruction. For example:
Sports8 "Which of the following sports do you play?"
    labelstyle (font (Family = "'Palatino Linotype',
    'Times New Roman'",
    Size = 16, IsBold = True, IsItalic = True)) categorical [1..]
    {Tennis, Football, Cricket, Basketball, Hockey};
The equivalent routing statements are:
Sports.Label.Style.Font.Family = "'Palatino Linotype',
    'Times New Roman'"
Sports.Label.Style.Font.Size = 16
Sports.Label.Style.Font.Effects =
    FontEffects.feBold + FontEffects.feItalic
which can also be written as:
With Sports.Label.Style.Font
  .Family = "'Palatino Linotype', 'Times New Roman'"
  .Size = 16
  .Effects = FontEffects.feBold + FontEffects.feItalic
End With
See also
Question, response, and information text