Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Page layout facilities > Templates > Writing templates > Tips for writing templates
Tips for writing templates
Tags can be general:
<mrData>All questions here</mrData>
or they can contain an index:
<mrData Index="1">First question here</mrData>
<mrData Index="2">Second question here</mrData>
Questions or other items are inserted at the appropriate index. If an appropriate index does not exist, the item is inserted at the general, unindexed tag. You should include a general <mrData> tag as well as indexed <mrData> tags, to ensure that all items are inserted.
All mr tags and their parameters should be written using capitalization that matches that shown in this documentation. While most tags will produce output regardless of case, you may find that the effects are not those you expected if you do not use the documented format.
If special formatting is needed for specific items such as extra line breaks in some questions, it is recommended that you use a sub-template.
Add placeholder text within your tags to support WYSIWYG formatting.
When writing pathnames in templates, always use a forward slash (/) rather than a backslash (\) to separate the components of the path.
See also
Writing templates