Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Page layout facilities > Templates > <meta> and <!doctype> tags in templates
<meta> and <!doctype> tags in templates
HTML authoring tools such as FrontPage often insert <meta> tags in HTML templates to override HTTP information that should generally be set by the IIS server. The interviewing program takes care of setting the correct HTTP information, so there is a risk that these <meta> tags could confuse some browsers. The interviewing program therefore removes all <meta> tags that it finds in templates, and then inserts its own <meta> tags. These show the template’s name and the version of the interviewing program component that edited it, and instruct a proxy server or firewall to obtain the most recent version of a survey from the Web server.
When UseTemplateDocType is set via the web.config file or an MDD custom property, the layout template’s doctype is used. The doctype guidelines are as follows:
When HtmlDocType is set as UseTemplateDocType in the web.config file or when previewing in UNICOM Intelligence Author, and HtmlDocType is set as a different value in the MDD custom property, the rendered page’s doctype will default to the MDD custom property value. Project level settings take precedence over web.config file settings.
When HtmlDocType is set as UseTemplateDocType in the MDD custom property, and set as a different value in the web.config file or when previewing in UNICOM Intelligence Author, the Layout template’s doctype is used. If the Layout template doctype does not exist, the web.config file’s HtmlDocType setting is used.
When HtmlDocType is set as UseTemplateDocType in the web.config file or MDD custom property, the Layout template’s doctype is used. When the layout template doctype does not exist, the default doctype is used.
When HtmlDocType is set as a different value in the web.config file or MDD custom property, and the Layout template doctype is set, the default layout template is loaded and uses the HtmlDocType setting in the web.config file or MDD custom property.
See also