Professional > Interview scripting > Writing interview scripts > Recording > ProjectInfo.xml and ActivateDocument.xml properties for recording
ProjectInfo.xml and ActivateDocument.xml properties for recording
The recording feature uses specific ProjectInfo.xml properties. The properties are used for locally deployed projects, and can be manually set. For example:
After project activation, the generated ActivateDocument.xml file contains the following properties:
<Properties name="mrInterview">
<Property name="CapiPercentContactsRecorded"
<Property name="CapiRecordingApprovalDefaultOption"
<Property name="CapiRecordInterviewOnly"
ActivateDocument.xml properties
0 (ASK): Shows the monitoring approval dialog with no selected default option.
1 (PROHIBITED): Shows the monitoring approval dialog with the default option set to no.
2 (ALLOWED): Shows the monitoring approval dialog with the default option set to yes.
3 (ALWAYS): Does not show the monitoring approval dialog and enables the recording function.
4 (NEVER): Does not show the monitoring approval dialog and disables the recording function.
Default value: 0
Identifies the percentage of contacts that use survey level recording.
Default value: 0
Controls when the recording starts.
Default value: False
False - The recording starts when the sample is retrieved.
True - The recording starts when the interview starts.
Default value: False
See also