Professional > Interview scripting > Sample management > Sample management facilities > Sample table > Data type mapping for columns in sample tables
Data type mapping for columns in sample tables
The activities that display information about sample tables use UNICOM Intelligence Data Model data types to describe the type of data that can be stored in each column of the table. This is an external feature only and exists to provide a standard way of displaying data types regardless of the database application you are using. When a UNICOM Intelligence activity or component creates a table in a sample database, it maps the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model data types onto the data types that exist in your database application and creates the columns with the appropriate data types. You can open the tables in your database application to check the mapping, and can change the data types of columns if some of them are not quite as you would like.
The data mappings for SQL databases are as follows:
Data Model data type
Maps to SQL data type
If length is 2, then maps to smallint; otherwise maps to int
If length is less than 8000 then maps to nvarchar(length); otherwise maps to ntext
See also
Sample table