Importing case data
The data for cases that were created by another operator can be imported into your personal UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Case List. Another operator may not have completed the imported cases and as a result, you need to complete entry. When working with a Data Entry project, another operator may have completed Initial Entry for the cases, which now require your verification.
When a case data package is saved, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer creates a Deployment Package file with the extension .dpz. The Deployment Package file is then forwarded to you and requires importation into UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer.
By default, Deployment Packages are saved to the
C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\My Documents\My Surveys directory (where
<username> is the name of the user logged into Windows). For more information, see
Creating a data package for deployment.
To import a Deployment Package in Interviewer Console
1 On the Workflow menu, point to Transfer, and then click Import Package.
The Open dialog box appears.
2 Select the file that you want to import, and then click Open.
Once the package file is opened, the Interviewer Console Case List updates to include all imported cases.
When working with a Data Entry project, your view of cases may depend on the current Interviewer Console Data Entry mode. To ensure that you have received all required cases, change entry modes to view cases that may be in different entry process states. For more information, see
Entry modes and
Case List.
Note Opening a case data package in Interviewer Console follows a similar process, but is not the same, as opening a project package by using the Project List. For more information on opening a package containing project-level files, see
Importing a project.