Refreshing the Look Organizer
More than one person can organize Looks and Look groups at the same time. However, after you have opened the Look Organizer, you will not see changes made by other users unless you refresh the Looks. You can do this in two ways:
▪Close the Look Organizer, and then reopen it
▪Click the Refresh tool in the Look Organizer toolbar
Note Other users of the Look Organizer will see your changes only when they reopen the Look Organizer or click Refresh in the Look Organizer.
Refresh required
Changes have been made to the Looks or Look groups, so UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper needs to refresh the list of Looks. Refreshing the list will place the Looks in alphabetical order.
To refresh the Look Organizer
On the Look Organizer toolbar, select
The Look Organizer now reflects the changes made by other users, and you can continue organizing Looks.
See also