Paper > Other formatting considerations > Maximizing the use of page space > Multiple column pages
Multiple column pages
You can format part or the entire questionnaire using columns. To do this, you must use Looks formatted to the correct size for the column width. For example, if you want to print questions side by side on a page with two columns, use Looks that are only half the width of the page (minus page margins and space between columns).
You can format an entire questionnaire with columns by using Looks that are formatted to the appropriate size. Then use the Word Columns command on the Format menu to set the required number of columns for the whole document.
To format only part of a questionnaire using columns, load the questionnaire with a Look group that uses all of the available page width. For the questions that you want to print in columns, apply Looks that are formatted to the appropriate size. Then use the Columns command to define the number of the columns for that section of the document.
See also
Separating items in the questionnaire
Page setup
Maximizing the use of page space
Other formatting considerations