Paper/Scan Add-on > Transfer to ReadSoft FORMS scanning software
Transfer to ReadSoft FORMS scanning software
Use the Transfer to Scanning Software command to set up the questionnaire as a scanning job in ReadSoft FORMS. The command runs in these phases:
1 UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on asks you to enter a name for the job in ReadSoft FORMS.
2 UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on transfers the coordinate and variable information to ReadSoft FORMS.
3 UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on sets up the form definitions for the job in ReadSoft FORMS Manager. It creates a form definition for each page of the questionnaire. Each form definition contains field definitions for all of the fields that are on the page and transaction descriptions for the data that you will collect from the page.
4 UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on creates a transfer file containing variable definitions for all of the questions. This file is in XML format and has the same name as the ReadSoft FORMS job but with a filename extension of .std.
After you have scanned and verified the questionnaires, use ReadSoft FORMS Transfer to transfer the data into the .std file. Then use UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper/Scan Add‑on Transfer to transfer the data from this file into the format that you are going to use for analysis.
See also
Transferring setup information to ReadSoft FORMS
Before you transfer to ReadSoft FORMS
ReadSoft FORMS field definitions for question responses
ReadSoft FORMS options