Professional > Table scripting > Hierarchical data > Which view of the data is used?
Which view of the data is used?
UNICOM Intelligence Professional uses the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model to access the underlying data, which can be, for example, a .sav file, a Quanvert database, a relational UNICOM Intelligence database storing UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin data, Quancept data stored in .qdi and .drs files, etc.
The UNICOM Intelligence Data Model handles case data (which stores the actual responses) and metadata (which describes the case data and stores the question and category texts, etc.) separately. UNICOM Intelligence Professional requires a metadata source as well as a case data source. The metadata source can be a UNICOM Intelligence Metadata Document (.mdd) file or any other metadata format for which a suitable read-enabled Metadata Source Component (MDSC) is available. The case data can be in any format for which a suitable read-enabled Case Data Source Component (CDSC) is available.
The UNICOM Intelligence Data Model has two ways of representing the case data:
using a hierarchical view (sometimes called HDATA). See Using the hierarchical view.
using a flat view (sometimes called VDATA). See Using the flat view.
See also
Hierarchical data