Professional > Table scripting > Statistical tests > Chi-square test > Fisher's exact test
Fisher's exact test
The chi-square test can be used for any number of rows and columns, but gives only an estimated probability value. For a table (or section of a table) that contains two rows and two columns of data, a more accurate test is Fisher's exact test, which finds the exact probability value for the table.
Fisher's exact test is appropriate only for tables, or parts of tables, with two rows and two columns that contain values (for example, a nested section of a larger table may be valid for this test). Rows and columns with no respondent data are ignored by the test, so a table with two rows and two columns may not be valid if, for example, one of the rows has no data. Conversely, a table with three rows and two columns may be suitable for the test if one of the rows has no data.
You can use this test on its own or in addition to the chi-square test. If you request the chi-square test and Fisher's exact test on the same table, a single chi-square column is used to display the results for both tests. If you request Fisher's exact test on a table that does not meet the requirements, it is not carried out.
The value returned by Fisher's exact test is the two-tailed p value, which does not distinguish between significantly high and significantly low results.
See also
Chi-square test