Professional > Table scripting > Table presentation > Hiding rows, columns, and cells
Hiding rows, columns, and cells
If some of the rows or columns in a table contain few or no responses, you may prefer to hide them so that the table displays only the most important information. You can do this by setting hide rules on your tables to hide rows or columns based on the values they contain. You can also hide the information in individual cells based on the values that they contain, and you can specify the values above or below which you want to hide rows, columns, or cells. This section contains detailed information about using hide rules.
You can also specify that you always want to hide a particular row or column by changing the properties of the category or other element that it contains, or you can specify that an element will be hidden only when it is displayed in a row or only when it is displayed in a column. You do this using the IsHidden, IsHiddenWhenColumn, or IsHiddenWhenRow properties. See Hiding elements in the Element Properties section for further information.
See also
Hiding rows and columns
Hide rules based on a single row or column
Hiding cells
Hide rules based on cell items
Table presentation