Professional > Table scripting > Exporting tables > Microsoft PowerPoint tables export > Microsoft PowerPoint export properties
Microsoft PowerPoint export properties
Sample script file: PowerPointExport.mrs
This example script is based on the Museum sample data set. See Running the sample table scripts for information on running the example scripts.
When you export tables to Microsoft PowerPoint, you can control a number of options using the export properties.
Available export properties
If true, automatically change the width of the table columns to accommodate the width of the text.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Set to "Per element" to produce a chart for each category element. Set to "Per variable" to produce a chart for each variable block of category elements. Set to "Per table" to produce a single chart for all category elements in the table.
When using a custom pie chart or template, ChartCategoryElements must be set to "Per element".
Type: String:
"No chart", "Per element", "Per variable", "Per table".
Default value: "Per variable"
Where there is more than one cell item on the table, specifies the cell item to chart. The cell item must be included in the table. The cell item must be included in the table. If the specified cell item does not exist then Count will be used, and if Count does not exist, the first cell item is used.
Type: String:
Default value: "ColPercent"
If true, displays the column IDs beside the category labels, and adds the column proportions test results to the chart above the relevant columns.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
If true, table rows are used to form the chart series. If false, table columns are used.
Type: Boolean
Default value: True
Set to "Per element" to create a chart for any special statistical elements (mean, standard deviation, etc) in the orientation specified in the ChartRowsAsSeries property. Set to "Per variable" to produce a chart for each variable block of special elements. Set to "Per table" to produce a single chart for all special elements in the table.
Type: String:
"No chart", "Per element", "Per variable", "Per table".
Default value: "Per element"
Indicates the chart template that is to be used. If you want to use a custom chart template that you have created in Excel, specify the name of the chart template.
Type: String
Default value: "" (Empty string)
The location of the chart template. It is not necessary to specify this property because its value is set when the user specifies the chart template file.
Type: String
Default value: "" (Empty string)
Indicates the type of chart that is to be created. If you want to use a custom chart that you have created in Excel, specify the name of the custom chart.
Type: String:
"Clustered Bar"
"Stacked Bar"
"3D Clustered Bar"
"3D Stacked Bar"
"Clustered Column"
"Stacked Column"
"3D Clustered Column"
"3D Stacked Column"
"3D Column"
"Stacked Line"
"Line with Markers"
"100% Stacked Line with Markers"
"3D Pie"
"Separated Pie"
"3D Separated Pie"
"Custom chart name"
Default value: "Clustered Column"
Location and filename of the exported PowerPoint file.
Type: String
Default value: "" (empty string)
Indicates whether tables are to be displayed with borders.
Type: Boolean
Default value: True
Indicates that the table footers should be displayed in the PowerPoint slides.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Indicates that the table headers should be displayed in the PowerPoint slides.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Determines whether to display the base for the last data point in the chart legend. This option is applicable only when charting special elements. If the Count cell item is present, this is used. If not, the Unweighted Count cell item is used.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Specifies whether the export should create charts only, tables only, or both charts and tables, and whether the chart or the table should be shown first.
Type: String: "Table Only" "Table and Chart" "Chart and Table" "Chart Only"
Default value: "Chart Only"
Indicates that the base for each of the chart series should be displayed in the legend for the chart.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Determines whether to include a title slide in the PowerPoint file.
Type: Boolean
Default value: True
Determines whether to chart percentages on a scale of 0 to 100%. If this option is false, the scale is based on the biggest value in the chart.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Indicates that PowerPoint is to be hidden during the export. This makes the export faster.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Interactive mode. See Microsoft PowerPoint export: Interactive mode for more information.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Launch PowerPoint after the export has completed.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
When not using the interactive mode, this property determines whether an existing output file should be overwritten rather than causing the export to fail. See Microsoft PowerPoint export: Interactive mode for more information.
Type: Boolean
Default value: False
Location and filename of the PowerPoint template to format the slides.
Type: String
Default value: "" (empty string)
Determines whether element names or the more friendly element labels are to be used for the row and column labels in the exported tables.
Type: Boolean
Default value: True (Use labels)
Determines whether variable names or the more friendly labels are to be used for variable texts in the exported tables.
Type: Boolean
Default value: True (Use labels)
Determines whether to wrap long labels (descriptions) to the next line.
Type: Boolean
Default value: True
The following example sets the Destination, LaunchApplication, and Interactive export properties.
With TableDoc.Exports.mrPowerpointExport
  .Properties["Destination"] = _        "[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\DDL\ _
  .Properties["LaunchApplication"] = True
  .Properties["Interactive"] = True
End With
UNICOM Intelligence Reporter
Microsoft Office 2007 or later
See also
Microsoft PowerPoint tables export