Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Debugging > Stepping through the code
Stepping through the code
Stepping through code means executing the code one line at a time. Stepping allows you to see the exact sequence of execution and the value of the various variables at each step. This can be invaluable when your script is not giving the results that you expect.
When stepping through a script reaches an Include file, the Include file is opened so that it can be stepped through as well.
1 To step through the code one line at a time, press F10 or choose Single Step from the Debug menu.
UNICOM Intelligence Professional then executes the current line of code and moves to the next line, which it highlights.
2 To execute the next line of code, press F10 again or choose Single Step from the Debug menu.
If you are stepping through an OnNextCase Event section (see OnNextCase Event section) in a DMS file, you will step through each case, which could be a lengthy process if there are many cases.
See also