Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Using the Gallery > Inserting Gallery items
Inserting Gallery items
Inserting gallery items: Questionnaires
1 Select a location in the script window in which to insert the gallery item.
2 Select the Gallery option from the View toolbar.
3 Select the appropriate category from the Gallery home page.
4 Double click a gallery item. This displays detailed item information.
5 Click Insert. The Insert Library Asset dialog displays.
If the selected gallery item is a questionnaire wizard, you will be prompted to complete the wizard steps prior to inserting the item.
6 Set the dialog options.
Language: The list provides all languages supported by the gallery item. Select the appropriate language.
Contexts: The list contains all available survey contexts. The contexts define how the metadata will be used. For example, the Paper context indicates that the survey will be used with the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper application.
Insert Metadata: When selected, the gallery item is inserted into the active script.
7 The gallery item displays at the selected insertion point.
Inserting gallery items: Interview scripts
1 Select a location in the script window in which to insert the gallery item.
2 Select the Gallery option from the View toolbar.
3 Select the appropriate category from the Gallery home page.
4 Double click the appropriate interview script item. This displays detailed item information.
5 Click Insert.
The interview script item displays at the selected insertion point.
6 Click Copy.
7 Select a location in the script window in which to insert the script item.
8 Press Ctrl+V to paste the item.
The interview script item displays at the selected insertion point.
Inserting gallery items: Layout templates
1 Select a location in the script window in which to insert the gallery item.
2 Select the Gallery option from the View toolbar.
3 Select the category from the Gallery home page.
4 Double click a template item. This displays detailed item information.
5 Click Apply.
A message that indicates the template has been applied displays. Click OK.
6 Click Copy.
7 Select a location in the script window in which to insert the template item.
8 Press Ctrl+V to paste the item.
The template name displays at the selected insertion point.
Note It may be useful to add the tag <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge" > to templates that are placed in the gallery. The tag makes the template behave the same when running in UNICOM Intelligence Author and when running in Microsoft Internet Explorer. In particular, some of the HTML5 tags that are supported in Internet Explorer display properly in Author preview mode when the tag is added. Internet Explorer runs in compatibility mode when used in Author preview mode. The tag overrides some of the compatibility mode controls.
See also
Using the Gallery