Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Using the Gallery > Adding custom Gallery items > Adding new library items
Adding new library items
To add a new library item, save your NewItem.mdd or NewItem Wizard.mdd to the section directory or to a subdirectory that provides a logical Library structure. “Wizard” is typically used in the library item name to help users who use accessibility technologies to easily identify that a wizard will be run when the item is selected. Save associated files to the NewItem.mdd_files (or NewItem Wizard.mdd) subdirectory and reference them solely from that directory. When a wizard is associated with the library item, it can be saved in the NewItem.mdd_files subdirectory or in the QWzd subdirectory.
For more information, see Creating questionnaire wizards for UNICOM Intelligence Author.
Create a NewItem.dcprop (or NewItem Wizard.dcprop) file to describe the NewItem.mdd and save any files required by the .dcprop into the NewItem.gallery_Files directory. For more information on the .dcprop file, see Adding custom Gallery items.
See also
Adding custom Gallery items