Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional > Using UNICOM Intelligence Professional to develop interviews > Using the Gallery > Adding custom Gallery items > Adding custom Gallery categories
Adding custom Gallery categories
The following steps outline the process of creating new library item categories (functionality, questions, templates and so on). The categories display as items in main pages, and as section items at the top of the browser page.
1 Modify the library.xml file.
<Name Lang = "en">Survey Fragments</Name>
<Thumbnail>GalleryInformation\Survey Fragments.png</Thumbnail >
<Path>Survey Fragments</Path>
<Name Lang = "en">Questions</Name>
<Thumbnail>GalleryInformation\Controls.png</Thumbnail >
<Name Lang = "en">Functionality</Name>
<Thumbnail>GalleryInformation\Functionality.png</Thumbnail >
<Name Lang = "en">Layouts</Name>
<Thumbnail>GalleryInformation\Layouts.png</Thumbnail >
<Name Lang = "en">Customer</Name>-----> The name of the new
library category.
</Thumbnail >-------------------------> Default category thumbnail.
If the item in this category
does not have a dcprop, this
will be used in default
<Path>Customer</Path>----------------> Relative category path.
</Library >
2 Define the <Section> section's <Tags> values for the new category.
<Name Language = "en">Question Types</Name>
<ID>SingleResponse</ID>------------------------>Tag ID.
<Name Language = "en">Single Response</Name>--->Tag Name. This also
supports multiple
See also
Adding custom Gallery items