Interviewer > Viewing log information > Viewing logs > DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.mdd audit file definition
DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.mdd audit file definition
You can use the DM Query utility to query the DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.ddf file. For more information, see Querying logs with DM Query.
You can use the MDM Explorer utility to view the audit file metadata in the DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.mdd file.
The DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.mdd audit file includes the following fields:
Data type: mtText
The case respondent ID. This field functions as the audit data identification. Any record can be located by its AuditCaseId value.
Data type: mtText
The project name.
Data type: mtText
Target data file name. This is the data entry batch file name.
Data type: mtArray
The loop that stores all interactions with the respondent. The loop consists of the following sub-fields.
Data type: mtText
The InterviewId. The interviewer or data entry operator.
Data type: mtText
The Microsoft Windows workstation ID.
Data type: mtText
The Microsoft Windows user currently signed into the workstation.
Data type: mtDate
Timestamp of when the interaction started.
Data type: mtDate
Timestamp of when the interaction completed.
Data type: mtCategorical
The data operation (initial, data entry, partial, or full verification). The default value is DataEntry.
Data type: mtCategorical
The data entry mode (Initial, Partial, or Full). Reports use this field to filter data for different modes.
Data type: mtCategorical
The case status when the audit entry was created (Completed or Suspended).
Data type: mtText
Optional text regarding the operation.
Data type: mtLong
The total number of times questions were answered in the Data Entry Player.
Data type: mtLong
Keystroke count of alphanumeric (A through Z and 0 through 9) characters. The count is the accumulated keystroke value of all verification operations for a particular interaction.
Data type: mtLong
The total number of times verification changes were accepted. Changes are only tallied for in the partial or full verification entry modes.
Data type: mtArray
The loop that stores error information in verification mode. The loop consists of the following sub-fields.
Data type: mtText
The variable has a response change.
Data type: mtText
The original answer before verification. For categorical questions, this field stores the selected category names.
Data type: mtText
New answer input after verification. For categorical questions, this field stores the selected category names.
See also
Viewing log information
Viewing logs
Querying logs with DM Query
Examples using DM Query with DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.ddf
Viewing log information
Viewing logs
Querying logs with DM Query
Examples using DM Query with DataCollectionAudit_Analysis.ddf