Querying logs with DM Query
Refer to the following topics in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library for information on using DM Query with log files:
▪How to Run the Example Queries on Log Files Using DM Query
▪Text, Categorical, or Array Functions -> Find
Fields in log entries
The relevant fields for each log entry, that can be used when querying the logs, are:
AppGroup = 'MIV'
Identifies the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer product logs
The user who performed the live interview or data entry operation
The unique case ID
The project name
The log entry timestamp
Additional information, including:
▪various modes of operation, such as completing initial data entry for a case
▪when a case is created, opened, completed, or removed
▪batch information
▪project related work, such as opening a project and creating or importing deployment packages
▪synchronization information
▪found errors.
After loading the appropriate logs in DM Query, you can perform queries such as the following:
Note If you want to query logs used in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer, use AppGroup = 'MIV' in your query.
Finding all log entries for a specific project:
SELECT * FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = ‘PROJECTNAME’
Finding all log entries for a specific project, batch, operator, and date range:
SELECT * FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = ‘PROJECTNAME’ AND (LogEntry.Find('Batch') <> -1) AND LogEntry LIKE '%B1%’
AND InterviewId = 'USER' AND DateTime > '3/26/2009 7:14:05 AM' AND DateTime < '3/26/2009 8:49:13 AM'
Finding all entries for a specific project, operator, and after a certain date and time, when a case is opened for initial data entry:
SELECT * FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND InterviewId = 'USER' AND Project = ‘PROJECTNAME’ AND (LogEntry.Find('entry
mode initial') <> -1) AND DateTime > '2009-03-16'
To find the various entry modes, the following mode keywords can be used in place of initial (as shown above).
Mode keyword
Initial data entry
Full verification
Partial verification
interview or live
Live interviews
Finding the number of live interviews completed by an operator for a specific project:
SELECT Count(*) FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = 'PROJECTNAME' AND (LogEntry.Find('completed live') <> -1) AND
InterviewId = 'USER'
Finding the number of initial data entry cases completed by an operator for a specific project:
SELECT Count(*) FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = 'PROJECTNAME' AND (LogEntry.Find('completed initial') <> -1) AND
InterviewId = 'USER'
Finding the number of full verification cases completed by an operator for a specific project:
SELECT Count(*) FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = 'PROJECTNAME' AND (LogEntry.Find('completed full') <> -1) AND
InterviewId = 'USER'
Finding the number of partial verification cases completed by an operator for a specific project in a specific data range:
SELECT Count(*) FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = 'PROJECTNAME' AND (LogEntry.Find('completed partial') <> -1) AND
InterviewId = 'USER' AND DateTime > '3/26/2009 7:14:05 AM' AND DateTime < '3/26/2009 8:49:13 AM'
Timestamps for a specific operator who was working on a case (identified by its RespondentId), batch, and project:
SELECT DateTime, Project, RespondentId, InterviewId FROM vdata WHERE AppGroup = 'MIV' AND Project = 'PROJECTNAME' AND InterviewId
= 'USER' AND LogEntry LIKE '%Batch B1%' AND RespondentId = '6e486ab8-5c6a-4624-9c3f-ab99646442e7' AND DateTime > '3/26/2009 7:14:05
AM' AND DateTime < '3/26/2009 8:49:13 AM'
The example above could be used within an application to determine the amount of time it took for someone to complete their work.