Author > Activating questionnaires > Activate Current Project: Telephone settings > Telephone: Calling Rules settings > Calling Rules: Call Times
Calling Rules: Call Times
The Call Times settings allow you to specify the project's valid participant call times and day parts. Day parts allow you to ensure that records are called at specific times of the day in order to increase the chance of success in reaching participants.
Note If you have an existing project that uses pre-version 5.6 sample management scripts, you can setup day parts but they will not be recognized. The use of day parts requires version 5.6 or higher sample management scripts.
Allows you to specify valid weekday participant call times:
Start (hh:mm). The earliest time at which participants may be called on weekdays. Enter an appropriate start time.
End (hh:mm). The latest time at which participants may be called on weekdays. Enter an appropriate end time.
Allows you to specify valid weekend participant call times:
Start (hh:mm). The earliest time at which participants may be called on weekends. Enter an appropriate start time.
End (hh:mm). The latest time at which participants may be called on weekends. Enter an appropriate end time.
By default, a weekend runs from 00:01 on Saturday to midnight on Sunday. The Sample Management script will handle situations where the project has participants in time zones with different definitions of weekdays and weekends.
When selected, the time parameters defined in the Valid participant call times section are used.
Maximum tries
The maximum number of times that a record may be called. The default is 3. If an Appointment is made, then an additional "Maximum Tries" tries can be made to connect the appointment.
Using day parts
When selected, you can utilize an existing day parts template that defines valid participant call times.
Day parts
The table lists all day parts that are currently defined for the project and allows you to add new day parts.
Day Part
The day part name. Enter an appropriate name.
The maximum number of times that a record may be called. Enter an appropriate value.
Start Time
The earliest time at which participants may be called. Enter the earliest call time.
End Time
The latest time at which participants may be called. Enter the latest call time.
Enter the appropriate days of the week to contact participants.
Clear Daypart(s)
Click to clear any currently defined day part settings in the Day Parts table.
Load Template
Click to load an existing day parts template. Templates are stored in the Distributed Property Management (DPM). For more information, see Distributed Property Management (DPM).
Save As
Click to save the current settings, listed in the Day Parts table, as a template in DPM.
See also
Telephone: Calling Rules settings