Author > UNICOM Intelligence Author and other applications > Opening files from other products in UNICOM Intelligence Author > Opening files from UNICOM Intelligence WordCapture
Opening files from UNICOM Intelligence WordCapture
You can use UNICOM Intelligence WordCapture to create questionnaire (.mdd) files using the text in a Microsoft Word document. You can then open the questionnaire file in UNICOM Intelligence Author to edit, format, test, and activate it. This method is useful if you usually design your questionnaires using Microsoft Word and have large numbers of questions saved in Word documents.
Note Another method of creating questionnaire files from Word documents is by creating questions in UNICOM Intelligence Author and then copying and pasting the question and response text from the Word document. For more information, see Copying question and response text from other applications.
Open UNICOM Intelligence WordCapture from the Windows Start menu: Programs > UNICOM Intelligence 7 > Accessories > WordCapture
For more information, see the “How to Use WordCapture” document that is displayed when you open UNICOM Intelligence WordCapture.
Note In release 4.5, notes that you attach to questions in WordCapture are not displayed in UNICOM Intelligence Author.
See also
Opening files from other products in UNICOM Intelligence Author