Author > UNICOM Intelligence Author and other applications > Opening UNICOM Intelligence Author files in other applications
Opening UNICOM Intelligence Author files in other applications
You can open questionnaire (.mdd) files that you create in UNICOM Intelligence Author with these UNICOM Intelligence applications:
UNICOM Intelligence Professional
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server
Translation Utility
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
UNICOM Intelligence Professional
You can open (.mdd) files created using UNICOM Intelligence Author in UNICOM Intelligence Professional.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows
You can open (.mdd) files created using UNICOM Intelligence Author in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Offline for Windows.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server
You can open files created in UNICOM Intelligence Author using UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server activities including Build, View Survey Link, and Launch. For more information on uploading files, see Advanced: Other.
Note Although you can create file names containing spaces when you create .mdd files using UNICOM Intelligence Author, UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server does not support file names containing spaces. Therefore, when saving files that you create in UNICOM Intelligence Author for use in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server, use the underscore character instead of spaces.
If you are transferring files between Build and UNICOM Intelligence Author, be aware that any changes that you make to a file in Build after activation result in a new version of the file being created, whereas changes to the file in UNICOM Intelligence Author are saved in the same version of the file.
Unsupported question types in Build
Build does not support the following question types and routing items:
Yes/No (boolean) questions
Date/Time questions
If you open a questionnaire file from UNICOM Intelligence Author that contains any of these items in Build, the unsupported items are flagged with a "no entry" sign and you cannot edit them.
Translation Utility
You can open questionnaires file from UNICOM Intelligence Author in Translation Utility to add translations of the question and response text, and to add text for additional contexts. You can set up the new languages or contexts from within UNICOM Intelligence Author by using the Manage Languages and Contexts Dialog Box (see Manage Languages and Contexts dialog box), or you can use the MDM Label Manager tool available with Translation Utility.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
You can open files created using UNICOM Intelligence Author in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper. For more information, see Opening questionnaires in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper.
When you create files in UNICOM Intelligence Author for use in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper, questions of different types are displayed with the appropriate instruction text in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper. In addition, the limits that you set are displayed as interviewer instructions. For example, if you set a range for a numeric question of 0-99 in UNICOM Intelligence Author, the question appears with the instruction text "WRITE IN ANSWER WITHIN THE RANGE 0-99" in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper:
Single response questions display the instruction SELECT ONE ANSWER ONLY.
Multiple response questions display the instruction SELECT ALL ANSWERS THAT APPLY.
Single response grids display the instruction SELECT ONE ANSWER ON EACH LINE ACROSS.
Multiple response grids display the instruction SELECT ONE ANSWER ON EACH LINE ACROSS.
Numeric grids display the instruction WRITE IN ANSWER [WITHIN THE RANGE n-n].
Numeric questions display the instruction WRITE IN ANSWER. [WITHIN THE RANGE n-n].
Text questions display the instruction WRITE IN ANSWER. [MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CHARACTERS: n].
Yes/No (boolean) questions display the instruction TICK IF YES/TRUE.
Pages display the instruction QUESTIONS GROUPED IN A PAGE.
Blocks display the instruction QUESTIONS GROUPED IN A BLOCK.
Loops display an instruction indicating the variable that the loop is based on.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Author and other applications