Activating the questionnaire
Now that the questionnaire is finished, you can release it to respondents. The way in which you do this depends on the output format. To release the questionnaire online, you need to activate it to UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server Administration. To release a paper questionnaire you need to open the questionnaire file in UNICOM Intelligence Paper, where you can fine-tune the formatting while retaining all the information saved in the questionnaire file.
Note To activate a questionnaire, you need to have access to an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server Administration server with access permissions to create a new UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server project. To create a paper questionnaire, you need to have UNICOM Intelligence Paper installed.
Activating the online questionnaire
1 In the Routings pane, select the Web_Survey routing.
2 From the menu, choose: Tools > Activate
3 In the UNICOM Intelligence Login dialog box, enter the name of your Interviewer Server Administration server or URL.
4 Enter your Interviewer Server Administration user name, password, and authentication method and click Login.
The Activate - Current Project dialog displays.
After setting the appropriate activation settings, click Activate. UNICOM Intelligence Author creates a new project for the questionnaire, uploads the questionnaire files into the project folders, and updates the interviewing servers.
When the process is complete, a confirmation message appears. You can now log into UNICOM Intelligence - Server Admin and use the new project.
For further information, see the UNICOM Intelligence - Server Admin User's Guide and Administration Guide.
Note Any changes that you make to the questionnaire file from now on will be saved as a new version of the questionnaire file when you activate the file.
Opening the questionnaire in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper
1 Either close UNICOM Intelligence Author, or press Ctrl+N to close Coffee_Survey.mdd file by opening a new blank file, so that you can edit the file in Paper. You can still open the file in Paper if it is open in Author, but you cannot edit it.
2 Open Paper from the Windows Start menu: Programs > UNICOM Intelligence 7 > Paper > Paper.
3 From the Paper menu, choose Load Questionnaire.
4 In the Load dialog box, use the Look in: field to browse to the location where you saved the Coffee_Survey.mdd file, and select the file.
5 In the Look Group field, select any of the Look Groups.
6 In the Routing field, select Paper_Survey.
7 Leave the other options as they are, and then click Open.
UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper loads the questionnaire file and displays it using the formatting in the selected Look Group. You can then use the features of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper to apply Looks, set page breaks, and add any other required formatting (before you print the questionnaire).
For more information, see the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Paper User's Guide.
See also