Author > Adding languages and contexts
Adding languages and contexts
You can add multiple languages or contexts to your questionnaire, to allow the text of questions and responses to be added for that language or context. For example, you may want to create a questionnaire in English and have it translated into French, German, and Danish, or you may want to have two separate sets of text for each question, one to be shown to the respondent, and the other containing a brief summary of the question's content for use by data analysts.
Once you add a language or a context, you can enter question and response text for that language or context in either UNICOM Intelligence Author or the Translation Utility. To enter text for a language, it is recommended that you use Translation Utility, which has facilities to support entering text for different languages and for displaying multiple languages at the same time. You can use UNICOM Intelligence Author to enter the text for different contexts, but you may prefer to use the Translation Utility if the text is substantially different in each context.
You can specify alternatives for a language or context. When you set an alternative, text from the alternative language or context is automatically displayed in the questionnaire if no text exists for the selected language or context.
You can change the default language or context. This is the language used as the base language in Translation Utility and in the finished questionnaire.
You can change the read/write status of any language in the .mdd file, including the default language. The read/write status controls whether or not users of the Translation Utility can enter or edit text for the language.
See also
Adding and removing languages
Adding and removing contexts
Entering text for additional languages and contexts
Defining alternative texts for languages or contexts
Changing the default language or context
Changing the current context
Setting the read/write status for a language
Manage Languages and Contexts dialog box