Author > Creating questions and responses > Creating shared lists of responses > Creating a shared list
Creating a shared list
1 On the Insert menu, click Shared List > Add New, or press Ctrl+F11.
A new list is added to the Shared Lists pane, and the view switches to show the Design pane. The shared list has an automatically generated name. This name is not seen by respondents, but you may want to change it to a more meaningful name to make it easier to find when adding it to a question, especially if you create several shared lists.
2 If required, select the list name and type a new name.
3 You can optionally enter a more detailed shared list description in the description field immediately below the Name field. This information appears in the question, and is useful as a subheading in cases where you want to add two or more shared lists to a question.
4 In the first row of the Response field, type the text of the first response. This is the text that will be displayed to respondents. To save the response and move to a new line, press Enter, or use the down arrow key. Each time you do this, a new row is displayed where you can type the next response.
5 As you add responses, The Name field displays automatically generated names for each response. These are not seen by respondents, but they identify the responses in the questionnaire file and appear as category names when the results are analyzed in Survey Reporter or UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation. Optionally, click on the default response names and change them to more meaningful names. Names cannot contain spaces.
Note If the Name field does not display, click the Field Chooser icon and select Name from the dialog. For more information, see Specifying additional response details in the design pane.
Note You cannot use the same name between shared lists and their contained responses. For example, when a shared list contains a response named Drink, use a shared list name like DrinkList to avoid any potential conflicts.
See also
Creating shared lists of responses