Quota Setup > Expression quotas > Defining expression quotas > Advanced expressions > Logical operators in expression quotas > Or
Combine expressions with the Or operator when you want to define a quota for respondents who satisfy at least one of the sub-expressions.
Expression1 Or Expression2
To define a quota for men of all ages and all women between the ages of 17 and 24, specify:
gender.ContainsAny({MALE}) Or age.ContainsAny({E1720_YEARS, E2124_YEARS})
The gender expression selects all men and rejects all women. The age expression selects anyone aged 17 to 24 and rejects anyone outside that age range. A man passes the gender expression regardless of his age. A woman fails the gender expression but passes the age expression if she is in the specified age group.
See also
Logical operators in expression quotas