Professional > Table scripting > Cell contents > Available cell contents
Available cell contents
The figures that are shown in the cells of a table are known as cell contents. The following table lists the types of cell contents that you can define in your tables, along with the constants and their associated values that you use to specify the various types of cell contents in your scripts. You can use the constant (prefixed with "CellItemType.") if your script is part of a data management script (.dms) file. If your script is a standalone .mrs file, you must use the numeric value or set up user-defined constants to represent the values (as shown in the CellContents.mrs sample).
Some of the types of cell contents show summary statistics of numeric variables for the cases in the cells of a table. For example, the visits variable in the Museum data set is a numeric variable that records the number of times respondents have visited the museum before. In a table of age by gender, you can use the visits variable to show the sum of previous visits made to the museum by the respondents in each cell. Alternatively you can show the mean number of previous visits made by the respondents in each cell.
For some detailed examples of using the various types of cell contents, see Examples.
For more information on using hexadecimal values, see Understanding numbering systems.
Adjusted residuals
Reserved for future use.
Constant: itAdjustedResiduals
Hexadecimal value: &H0013
Column base
Shows the number of cases in the column base. This is shown in the base row of the table. This cell item is useful when the base row is hidden or when tables are so large that the row is not always visible.
Constant: itColBase
Hexadecimal value: &H0018
Column percentages
Express the count or sum of a numeric variable as a percentage of the base for the column. Expressing figures as percentages can make it easier to interpret and compare the data in a table.
Constant: itColPercent
Hexadecimal value: &H0001
Show the number of cases that satisfy the row and column conditions for each cell. If the table is weighted, the counts are the weighted counts.
Constant: itCount
Hexadecimal value: &H0000
Cumulative column percentages
Express the column percentages as cumulative percentages.
Constant: itCumColPercent
Hexadecimal value: &H0009
Cumulative row percentages
Express the row percentages as cumulative percentages.
Constant: itCumRowPercent
Hexadecimal value: &H000A
Expected values
Show the count or sum of a numeric variable that would be expected in the cell if the row and column variables are statistically independent or unrelated to each other.
Constant: itExpectedValues
Hexadecimal value: &H0014
Calculated for each cell by dividing the row percentage in the cell by the row percentage for the same column in the base row. Indices show how closely row percentages in a row reflect the row percentages in the base row. The nearer a row's indices are to 100%, the more closely that row mirrors the base row.
Constant: itIndices
Hexadecimal value: &H0016
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the largest value.
Constant: itMaximum
Hexadecimal value: &H0007
This summary statistic of a numeric variable gives a measure of central tendency. It is the arithmetic average--the sum divided by the number of cases who gave a response for the numeric variable.
Constant: itMean
Hexadecimal value: &H0004
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the value above and below which half of the cases fall (the 50th percentile). If there is an even number of cases, the median is the average of the two middle cases when they are sorted in ascending or descending order. The median is a measure of central tendency not sensitive to outlying values (unlike the mean, which can be affected by one or more extremely high or low values).
Constant: itMedian
Hexadecimal value: &H000D
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the smallest value
Constant: itMinimum
Hexadecimal value: &H0006
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the most frequently occurring value. When several values share the greatest frequency of occurrence, each of them is a mode. UNICOM Intelligence Professional displays only one mode in each cell--when there is more than one mode, UNICOM Intelligence Professional displays the first mode that it encounters in the data.
Constant: itMode
Hexadecimal value: &H000C
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the value that divides cases according to values below which certain percentages fall. For example, the 25th percentile is the value below which 25% of cases fall.
Constant: itPercentile
Hexadecimal value: &H000E
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the difference between the largest and smallest values--the maximum minus the minimum.
Constant: itRange
Hexadecimal value: &H000B
Show the difference between the count or sum of a numeric variable and the expected values. Large absolute values for the residuals indicate that the observed values are very different from the predicted values.
Constant: itResiduals
Hexadecimal value: &H0012
Row base
Shows the number of cases in the row base. This is shown in the base column of the table. This cell item is useful when the base column is hidden or when tables are so large that the column is not always visible.
Constant: itRowBase
Hexadecimal value: &H0019
Row percentages
Express the count or sum of a numeric variable as a percentage of the base for the row.
Constant: itRowPercent
Hexadecimal value: &H0002
Standard deviation
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows a measure of dispersion around the mean. In a normal distribution, 68% of cases fall within one standard deviation of the mean and 95% of cases fall within two standard deviations. For example, if the mean age is 45 with a standard deviation of 10, then 95% of the cases would be between 25 and 65 in a normal distribution.
Constant: itStdDev
Hexadecimal value: &H000F
Standard error
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows a measure of how much the value of the mean may vary from sample to sample taken from the same distribution. The standard error of the sample mean can be used to estimate a mean value for the population as a whole. In a normal distribution, 95% of the values of the mean should lie in the range of plus or minus two times the standard error from the mean. Additionally, the standard error can be used to roughly compare the observed mean to a hypothesized value of another mean (that is, you can conclude that the two values are different if there is no overlap in the values of the means plus or minus two times the standard error).
Constant: itStdErr
Hexadecimal value: &H0010
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the sum or total of the values.
Constant: itSum
Hexadecimal value: &H0005
Total percentages
Express the count or sum of a numeric variable as a percentage of the base for the table.
Constant: itTotalPercent
Hexadecimal value: &H0003
Unweighted column base
Shows the unweighted base for the column. This is shown in the base row of the table. This cell item is useful when the unweighted base row is hidden or when tables are so large that the row is not always visible.
Constant: itUnweightedColBase
Hexadecimal value: &H001A
Unweighted counts
In a weighted table, these are the unweighted counts. In an unweighted table, the counts and the unweighted counts are identical.
Constant: itUnweightedCount
Hexadecimal value: &H0008
Unweighted row base
Shows the unweighted base for the row. This is shown in the base column of the table. This cell item is useful when the unweighted base column is hidden or when tables are so large that the column is not always visible.
Constant: itUnweightedRowBase
Hexadecimal value: &H001B
Valid N
Reserved for future use.
Constant: itValidN
Hexadecimal value: &H0015
This summary statistic of a numeric variable shows the sample variance, which is a measure of dispersion around the mean, equal to the sum of squared deviations from the mean divided by one less than the number of cases. The sample variance is measured in units that are the square of those of the variable itself.
Constant: itVariance
Hexadecimal value: &H0011
See also
Cell contents