Installing Server > Installing required software > Installing Internet Information Services > Adding interview engines to a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server
Adding interview engines to a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server
Adding session engines to a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server
Each Interview Session Engine runs within its own w3wp.exe worker process. These worker processes become unstable when their memory usage reaches about 1.5Gb. You can avoid this problem by adding additional Interview Session Engines to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer servers, as long as the computers that are hosting the Engines have sufficient memory. This automatically adds additional worker processes which effectively doubles the amount of memory that each server can use for serving interviews.
1 In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, add a new application pool named SPSSmrInterviewPool2.
Set .Net Framework version to .NET Framework v4.0.30319, and set Managed pipeline mode to Integrated.
2 In the Application Pools dialog box, select the new application pool, and then click Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings dialog box opens.
3 Update the following field values as follows:
Set Identity to NetworkService.
Set Idle Time-out (minutes) to 0.
Set Regular Time Interval (minutes) to 0.
4 Click OK to return to the main IIS screen.
5 Right‑click the web server under Sites, from the Connections tree list and then click Add Application. The Add Application dialog box opens.
Set Alias to mrIEngWS2, and set Application pool to SPSSmrInterviewPool2.
Set Physical path to: [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Interviewer Server\ Server\mrIEngWS.
6 Click OK to return to the main IIS screen.
7 Select the application you just created, and then double-click the Handler Mappings icon (under the IIS section). The Handler Mappings Options dialog box opens.
8 Right-click any of the Handler Mappings option, and then click Add Script Map. The Add Script Map dialog box opens. Set the field values as follows:
Request path: *.dll
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Interviewer Server\ Server\mrIEngWS2\mrIEngWS.dll
(where [INSTALL_FOLDER] is the directory in which UNICOM Intelligence is installed)
Name: mrIEngWS2
Click Request Restrictions and then select the Invoke handler only if requests is mapped to and File or folder options on the Mapping tab.
9 Click OK to return to the Add Script Map dialog. Click OK again, and then click Yes when prompted to allow the ISAPI extension. After clicking Yes, you are returned to the main IIS screen.
10 Select the mrIEngWS2 application you just created and double-click the Authentication icon (located under the IIS section). This displays the Authentication options.
11 Select Anonymous Authentication and then click Edit in the Actions pane. This displays the Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog.
12 Click Set and then enter the appropriate UNICOM Intelligence anonymous user and password in the Set Credentials dialog. Click OK to return to the Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog.
Note The UNICOM Intelligence anonymous user and password is defined during UNICOM Intelligence installation.
13 Click OK to exit the Edit Anonymous Authentication Credentials dialog and return to the main IIS screen. Exit from the IIS application.
14 Open the Windows registry and add the new Interview Engine URL to the registry as a string in:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SPSS\ mrInterview\3\Interviewing\LocalEngineURLs
For example:
15 Open a Windows command prompt (as a user with Administrator authority), and then change to:
[INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\7\Interviewer Server\ Server
16 Run RegIntSvr.exe to register the new engine with the web server.
Making the session engines available to the Phone Participants and Review Interviews activities
1 On the Accessory Server, navigate to C:\InetPub\wwwroot\SPSSMR\ CatiInt, and open the Web.config file.
2 Add the following definition to the <appSettings> section:
<add key="ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES" value="engine_names"/>
where engine_names is a comma-separated list of interview engine URLs. For example:
<add key="ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES" value=" http://redserver/mriengws2, http://redserver/mriengws, http://blueserver/mriengws2"/>
3 Save the file, and then close it.
4 Repeat the above steps for the Web.config file at ReviewInterview.
Installing Internet Information Services