Installing Server > Maintenance tasks > Adding session engines to an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server > Making the session engines available to the Phone Participants and Review Interviews activities
Making the session engines available to the Phone Participants and Review Interviews activities
All UNICOM Intelligence telephone interviewing and interview reviewing sessions have access to the default session engine (usually [INSTALL_FOLDER]\IBM\SPSS\DataCollection\<version>\Interviewer Server\Server\mrIEngWS\mrIEngWS.dll) and to any other interview session engines named in the Phone Participants or Review Interviews Web.config files.
To name alternate engines
1 Navigate to:
and open the Web.config file.
2 Add the following definition to the < appSettings> section:
<add key="ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES" value="engine_names"/>
where engine_names is a comma-separated list of the URLs of interview engines. For example:
<add key="ALTERNATE_INTERVIEW_ENGINES" value=" http://redserver/mriengws2, http://redserver/mriengws, http://blueserver/mriengws2"/>
3 Save your changes and close the file.
4 Repeat these steps for the Web.config file in:
Adding session engines to an UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer server