Interviewer - Server Admin > Accessibility guide
Accessibility guide
This section provides an overview of alternative methods for accessing the functionality of the product.
If using a screen reader, use the F6 key to switch between this help system's Navigation pane and Contents pane.
Keyboard access
Much of the product’s functionality is accessible via the keyboard. Press Alt to activate window menus. Press Tab to move through dialog box controls.
The initial focus in a dialog box is generally placed on the control in the upper left area. From there, you can access other controls in the dialog box by pressing the Tab key. Alternatively, you can use the dialog box keyboard shortcuts listed below.
The placement of a control in the tabbing order is determined by the section it belongs to, the type of control it is, and its placement in the dialog box. Some dialog boxes may not have all types of controls or the same number of controls.
For dialog boxes with more than one user interface tab (for example, the Options dialog box), the initial focus is generally on the first tab itself. Use Ctrl+Tab to navigate to other tabs. Press Tab to navigate through the controls on each tab.
For information about keyboard shortcuts in the user interface, see “Interviewer Console toolbar options” on page 38.
Accessibility options
Use the Microsoft Windows accessibility options. Refer to the “accessibility” topics in the Microsoft Windows help for more information.
In some components, you can use the Text Display settings in the Options dialog box to increase the font size of menu and toolbar text.
Using screen readers
For screen readers, the application has been tested with JAWS for Windows 8.0 (copyright Freedom Scientific,
During testing with JAWS, it was found that listening to the table results is easier while in full screen view. To enter full screen view, press F11. To exit full screen view, press Esc.
If using a screen reader, press F6 to switch between the help system’s Navigation pane and Contents pane.
When using screen readers such as JAWS, other software may interfere. For example, the use of a Systems Management Server (SMS) within your organization may interfere with JAWS’s ability to read some products. Disabling SMS will rectify this situation. Visit the Microsoft website for more information about SMS.