Interviewer - Server Admin > Edit project > Using Edit Project
Using Edit Project
Starting Edit Project
1 Select a project in the project list.
2 Click the Edit Project icon Edit project icon in the toolbar at the top of the project list.
Edit Project has the following tabs:
Change the project's name, description, status and project folder. See Changing project details.
Check which roles have access to the project and remove any which should not have access. Changing permissions.
Change the project's connection properties. Generally, you should not change the connection properties for UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects. For UNICOM Intelligence Reporter projects, you might want to change the connection properties during the initial stages of setting up the project, but should not normally do so afterwards. See Changing connection properties.
Lets you inspect and, if necessary, change the project's properties. See Working with project properties.
Exiting Edit Project
When you have finished using Edit Project, click the Home icon in the menu bar.
See also
Edit project