Survey Tabulation > Statistical tests > Requesting statistical tests
Requesting statistical tests
To add or remove a chi-square, column proportions or column means test for the table, display the Preferences tab and click the Modify button that is just above the list of statistical tests. This opens the Modify Table Statistics Test dialog box: see Modify Table Statistics Test dialog box, in which you can add and remove tests from your table.
For information on adding a paired preference test, see Adding a paired preference test.
Significance Level 1
You can select the significance level that you require for the column proportions and column means tests. The options are 1%, 5%, and 10%.
Significance Level 2
If you want to perform the column proportions or column means test at two levels of significance, select the second significance level. The options are 5% and 10%. Note that the value you select must be greater than that of the first significance level.
Small Base
By default, tests on rows or columns where the base is above the minimum base but below 100 are carried out, but an asterisk (*) appears next to the result to indicate that the base size is small. You can enter a new value for the small base if required.
Minimum Base
By default, tests are not carried out on rows or columns where the base is below 30. Two asterisks (**) are placed in the cell to indicate this. You can enter a new value for the minimum base if required.
Use effective base
Select this check box if you want UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation to use the effective base rather than the simple weighted base in statistical tests on weighted tables. This option has no effect on statistical tests run on unweighted tables. This option is selected by default.
For more information, see Weighted data.
Preferences tab: Menu commands
Copies all of the settings on the Preferences tab to the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation clipboard. This means that you can copy the settings to another table.
Overwrites all of the options on the Preferences tab with the contents of the UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation clipboard.
Set as default for new tables
Select this option if you want to define these preferences for several tables. Any new tables that you create will automatically have the same types of cell content and all of the other options defined on the Preferences tab for this table.
Apply to all existing tables
Select this option if you want to define these preferences to all of your existing tables.
Modify Table Statistics Test dialog box
Adding or removing a statistical test
Adding a paired preference test
Viewing diagnostics information for statistical tests
See also
Statistical tests