Survey Tabulation > Overview of UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation > Viewing tables as script
Viewing tables as script
You can view a single table or all tables as a mrScriptBasic script. You can optionally choose to save the script and use it as the basis for a batch job: for example, to be run using UNICOM Intelligence Professional. (You need the UNICOM Intelligence Professional Tables Option to be able to run the script in UNICOM Intelligence Professional.) Detailed documentation of mrScriptBasic, UNICOM Intelligence Professional, and UNICOM Intelligence Professional Tables Option are available in the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library.
To view the script for a single table
1 In the Table List, select the table whose script you want to view.
2 Select the Define tab.
3 In the Table Definition section, click the Advanced View button.
4 Click the View Script button.
To view the script for all tables
From the Tools menu, choose View Script For All Tables.
To save the script
1 In the View Script dialog box, right-click and from the shortcut menu, choose Select All.
2 Right-click and from the shortcut menu, choose Copy. This copies the script to the Windows clipboard.
3 Paste the script into a new mrScriptBasic file in UNICOM Intelligence Professional or a new text file in a text editor, as required.
4 Save the script.
Changes you make to element labels and factors in the Edit Axis dialog will not be reflected in the script unless you also add, reorder, or remove one or more elements.
If the script creates any weighted tables, they will have an unweighted base even if you select the Suppress Unweighted Base option on the Preferences tab.
See also
Overview of UNICOM Intelligence Reporter - Survey Tabulation