View Table Options dialog box
You use the View Table Options dialog box to set various options that control the appearance of your tables. Changing the options in this dialog box applies the changes to all of the tables in the table document. However, you need to repopulate your tables for the changes to take effect.
To open the View Table Options dialog box
1 From the menu, choose Tools > Options.
2 Do one of the following:
▪In the Options dialog box, click the View Table button.
▪Select the View Table tab, and then click the
Options button

Populate table options
The options in this section control how tables are populated.
Always populate new and changed tables before viewing
Automatically populates an unpopulated table when you click the View Table tab to view it.
Generate raw statistics data
Generates diagnostics information for any statistical tests you have added to a table. If you do not want to see the diagnostics information for statistical tests, clear this box. See
Diagnostics information for more information.
Display text on side axis horizontally
Display the question text on the side axis horizontally (deselect to display vertically). See
Diagnostics information for more information.
Variable and category display options
The options in this section control the texts that are displayed in the tables.
Display variables using
Display variable names or labels (descriptions).
Display categories using
Display category names (sometimes called unique IDs) or labels (descriptions).
Display labels in language
Choose the language in which you want the labels to be displayed. The list shows all of the languages that are available for the current data set.
Note You can override this setting for individual exports when exporting tables to Microsoft Excel, HTML, text, or Microsoft Word. See
Exports dialog box for more information.
Percentage display options
Display percent signs
By default, this check box is selected. In tables containing only percentage values, you may not want to include percent signs. Deselect this check box to remove percent signs from the entire table.
Show 100% in base rows/columns
Displays 100% in the cells of the base row for column percentages and in the cells of the base column for row percentages. Deselect if you want 100% to be omitted from these cells.
Adjust rounding so that percentages add up to 100%
Percentages for tables created from single response variables do not always add up to 100% because of rounding. Select this option to manipulate single response percentages so that they add up to 100%. See
Rounding values for more information.
Zero value symbols
Specifies how counts, percentages, and other values that are zero and are rounded to zero are displayed. For each option, enter the character or characters of your choice. The options are:
▪Display counts that are zero as
▪Display counts that are rounded to zero as
▪Display percentages that are zero as
▪Display percentages that are rounded to zero as
▪Display values that are zero as
▪Display values that are rounded to zero as
Note To reduce confusion, zero symbols should not be represented by any of the characters that are used for the column IDs in the statistical tests: that is, do not use either uppercase or lowercase letters (A–Z and a–z). Instead, consider using non-alphabetic characters or other text strings.
See also