Survey Tabulation > Understanding variables > Text variables
Text variables
Text variable
A text variable stores one text value for each case. For example, a text variable may store the responses to an open-ended question. This is a question that asks respondents to answer a question in their own words. For example:
Open-ended question
Q36: How would you describe the museum to
someone who has not visited it?
WRITE IN ANSWER                           
Before analyzing the responses to an open-ended question, market researchers frequently code the responses into categories. For example, the responses to this question could be coded into the following categories:
Coding categories
Variation of museum name
Something for everyone
Mention of things on view
Comment on layout/design
Relate specimens in theoretical way
Comments about building
Requires a lot of time
Place to bring children/family
General appreciative comment
Place to learn
Not answered
A variable that stores the coded responses to an open-ended question is called a coding variable and like the Other Specify variables described in Categorical variables, the coding variable, is generally associated with the main text variable as a helper variable.
See also
Understanding variables