Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Accessing the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model > Working with the Case Data Model > UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library
The Evaluate component can support dotted identifiers for table names as part of the identifier name. For example:
The dot character has a special meaning as part of regular identifiers.
Function calls
The dot character can be used to make function calls for named identifiers. The dot in this instance is interpreted as a bound identifier, followed by a function. Some examples are shown in the following table.
Dotted function call
Resolved function call
age.ContainsAny( {1,2,5})
ContainsAny(age, {1,2,5})
Function calls can be made using either convention. The parser also supports a mix of the function call conventions.
Function call
Resolved function call
Find(Q1, Left(Q2, 3))
See also
Expression evaluation
Function calls
UNICOM Intelligence Function Library