Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Available DSCs > Relational MR database (RDB) CDSC > Stored procedures
Stored procedures
Stored procedures created by RDB DSC 2
Used to retrieve the next serial number for the project from the ResponseSerial table. However, if sp_ReserveResponnseSerial fails to insert the new number into the Responses2 table, it executes sp_ReserveResponnseSerialEx. This handles situations where nonconsecutive serial numbers have been used. For more information, see ResponseSerial table.
sp_ReserveResponseSerialEx locks the entire Responses2 table to find the maximum value of the serial number, increments it, inserts the new serial number into the Responses2 table, and returns the number to the client. Used when sp_ReserveResponseSerial fails to insert the new number into the Responses2 table.
The stored procedure used to reserve a new serial(x) number in the LevelResponses(x) table based on the VaribleID of unexpanded loop in the Variables Table. The rdb_ReserveLevelSerial stored procedure is based on the rdb_ResponseResponseSerial stored procedure.
Stored procedures created by RDB DSC
Used by UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.4 and later to retrieve the next serial number for the project from the ResponseSerial table. However, if sp_Reserve_Serial fails to insert the new number into the Responses table, it executes RESERVE_SERIAL_EX. This handles situations where nonconsecutive serial numbers have been used and where an earlier version of the Relational MR Database CDSC has connected and incremented the serial number using RESERVE_SERIAL_EX. For more information, see ResponseSerial table.
Used by UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.5 and later to retrieve the next number to use for OtherId, the unique identifier in the OtherData table. sp_ReserveOtherID uses the OtherID table to retrieve the highest value currently stored in the OtherID column in the OtherData table. For more information, see OtherID table.
Used by UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.3 and earlier to retrieve the next serial number for the project. RESERVE_SERIAL_EX locks the entire Responses table to find the maximum value of the serial number, increments it, inserts the new serial number into the Responses table, and returns the number to the client. Also used by UNICOM Intelligence Data Model 2.4 and later when sp_ReserveSerial fails to insert the new number into the Response table.
Called when the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model runs the xp_syncdb extended stored procedure to synchronize the database with an MDM document. CREATE_COLUMN is called for each variable in the project to create a row in the Variables table.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
This stored procedure is obsolete and should not be used.
1 Introduced in Data Model 2.4
2 Introduced in Data Model 2.5
See also
Relational MR Database CDSC schema
WHERE expressions supported natively
Relational MR database (RDB) CDSC