Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Available DSCs > Sample reporting MDSC > Using the Sample Reporting MDSC
Using the Sample Reporting MDSC
There are three steps to generating reports using the Sample Reporting MDSC:
1 Create a Participants Report Document (.prd) file defining the connection string and naming the table and columns to be used.
2 Create a new Analysis project using the Sample Reporting MDSC and the .prd file.
3 Use UNICOM Intelligence Reporter to generate the reports you need.
Creating the .prd file
The .prd file is a simple XML file that you can create with a text editor. The file has the following formats:
Provider=MSOLEDBSQL.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=false;
Initial Catalog=Sample;Data Source=LDWILLIAMS
<Table>Tea_SampleOverview </Table>
Provider=MSOLEDBSQL.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=false;
Initial Catalog=Sample;Data Source=LDWILLIAMS
<TableDef><![CDATA[select * from TEST where queue = 'FRESH']]> </TableDef>
The elements you need to define are as follows:
The location of the database in which the sample table and call history table are stored.
The name of the table or view you want the MDSC to use. To report against the sample only, use the name of the sample table; for a report of call history against the sample, use the projectname_SampleOverview view that was created the first time the project was activated.
Defines the data you want the MDSC to use via a SQL statement. The SQL statement provides flexibility for views or tables. You can use where clauses to group by clause, allowing you to filter and aggregate data. If the SQL statement contains reserved XML characters, <![CDATA[ ]]> will need to added to the statement. For example:
<![CDATA[select * from TEST where queue = 'FRESH']]>
The names of the columns in the specified table that you want to make into Derived categorical variables. These variables will have the same names as the columns from which they were generated, but with an underscore character added at the end of the names.
Pre-defining category values
To pre-define the category values for a column, add a Category element for each category value that you want to pre-define. The following example shows how to pre-define category values for the Queue column:
The following example shows how to pre-define category values for the CallOutcome column:
Categories for columns containing null values
If the MDSC finds null values in a column, it creates a single category for all these records. This column is referred to as the NONAME__ column and its default column label is a hyphen. If you want to use a different label, you might define it using the NoNameLabel attribute on the Column tag. For example:
<Column>Queue NoNameLabel="None"</Column>
to place all records that have a null value for Queue in a category called None.
Creating the Analysis project
Start UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin and create a new Analysis project. Select the Participant Report Definition as the MDSC and the .prd file as the location.
Generating reports
Open the project you have just created using UNICOM Intelligence Reporter. You will see the derived categorical variables created by the MDSC in the variables list. If your .prd file specified a column with a lot of distinct values, then reporting performance will be slower than normal because the derived variables are all expressions, and these need to be evaluated whenever you populate a table.
See also
Sample reporting MDSC