Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Registry settings > Project cache settings
Project cache settings
Registry settings for the project cache are stored under:
The CDSC to use when connecting to case data.
Default: mrRdbDsc2
The folder from which to load UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer projects. For a project to be loaded by the project objects cache, a subfolder containing a .mdd file must exist for the project. The subfolder name and .mdd file name must be the same as the project name.
install folder\Projects
The number of minutes that a project's files remain cached once there is no activity on that project. This key affects the following files and connections:
.mdd files in the Projects folder. (The files in the Projects folder are a local copy of the files in FMROOT\Master, and the interview engine uses these files, not the files in FMROOT\Master.)
The project's quota engine if the project uses quota control.
The RDB and Quota connections to SQL.
A project's inactivity time-out is reset each time the project object is requested from the cache. Projects that have been uncached are reloaded the next time an interview is started for the project.
See Project Cache for more information. See Sample Management settings for details about time-outs for sample management connections to the Database Service.
Default: 720 minutes
The time-out in seconds for caching DPM project properties. Note, however, that DPM project properties are recached immediately if a new .mdd document is activated. This means that if you change a property in UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin(for example, you use Edit Properties to change the Status from Test to Live), it can take a minute for this to be recognized by the interviewing system. Any properties changed during activation are recognized immediately.
If the interview engine cannot retrieve properties from DPM, perhaps because the SQL Server is not running, it reads the cached project properties instead. A warning is logged and the properties cache time-out is reset.
Default: 60 seconds
The OLE DB provider to use when connecting to case data.
Default: MROLEDB.Provider.2
See also
Registry settings