Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server > Configuration and customization > Configuration settings for Email
Configuration settings for Email
Use the Email activity to send email invitations or reminders to possible survey participants.
You can add custom headers to the emails, which can be used to categorize or identify these emails in your email service provider; their format is specific to your email service provider.
For example, you might want to send an X-SMTPAPI header that includes the project name, job name, sample Id, and email field, as JSON:
{"categories": ["MULTIMODE1"], "unique_args": {"job": "Invitation", "id": "Test00002", "email_field": "EmailAddress"}}
To include headers, add an EmailHeaderFields property collection in DPM under Site | Properties. To add the example header, add an X-SMTPAPI property under the EmailHeaderFields:
X-SMTPAPI = "{""categories"": [""{Project property: Name}""], ""unique_args"": {""job"": ""{Job property: Name}"", ""id"": ""{Sample field: Id}"", ""email_field"": """{Job property: EmailAddressField}""}}"
To use substitutions in the header definition, see Substitutions in Emails and Phone Participants introductory text.
As each email is constructed, the EmailHeaderFields collection is used to add headers to it.
See also
Configuration and customization