Developer Documentation Library > Dialer SDK > Overview
The UNICOM Intelligence Dialer SDK provides the tools required for implementing a dialing provider API, DPM properties, and an example dialer configuration file, enabling you to integrate your dialer into the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer system. You will need to provide an implementation of the dialing provider API, DPM properties, and an example dialer configuration file in order to integrate your dialer into the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer system. The UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library provides a 3rd party dialer configuration file, a skeleton C++ project (that provides a starting point for your dialing provider API), and the appropriate tools to test your dialing provider implementation. After installing the UNICOM Intelligence Developer Documentation Library, these files are at:
If your implementation requires new return codes that are displayed to the interviewer, you might want to deliver an updated CallOutcomes.mdd file to support text translation of those return codes. You will also want to deliver documentation that supplements the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer documentation describing the benefits and limitations of your dialer.
The dialing provider's implementation for the Return method, defined in ISampleManagementProvider now supports project chaining. The old behavior was to always disconnect the call as Return. The new behavior checks if a chained survey is present after the sample is returned. When a chained survey is present, the call connection is retained. When a chained survey is not present, the call is disconnected.
The interview property EnableChaining must to be set false for all canceled or failed auto-dialing samples that are returned in dialing provider.
See also
UNICOM Intelligence Dialer SDK components
Distributed Property Management (DPM) properties
New return code
UNICOM Intelligence Dialer configuration file
UNICOM Intelligence Dialer Software Development Kit (SDK)