Developer Documentation Library > Dialer SDK > UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer - Server Admin architecture > Interviewing > Dispositioning a call
Dispositioning a call
The interviewer might select a return code (for example, Refused). Phone Participants calls ISessionEngine.PostInterviewEvent, which in turn calls IDialingProvider.Return. The Return method should hang up the call, pass the return code to the dialer if necessary, and then call ISampleManagementProvider.Return to return the sample record to the database. The return code is a UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer return code that includes a code and a string, which might or might not translate to a dialer call outcome. If return codes are stored on the dialer (for use in dialer specific reports for example), it might be sensible to store the string. This would allow users of the dialer specific reports to understand the correlation between the dialer specific and UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer reports.
See also