Developer Documentation Library > Dialer SDK > Implementation details > XML > SampleManagementResultXml
The SampleManagementResultXml is returned from many of the ISampleManagmentProvider and IDialingProvider methods. It contains the interview properties, the sample record, and optionally, the station properties. The properties collections should contain, at a minimum, what was passed into the method but can be updated or appended.
In addition, the properties collections contain the following attributes:
Name of the function returning the sample management result XML.
Values: String
Refer to ProviderResultCodes.
Values: ProviderResultCodes
NativeError (Optional)
Dialer specific error Logged only.
Values: String
DialerCallOutcome (Optional)
Dialer call outcome for those methods that return a call outcome.
Values: Long
Example SampleManagementResultXml string
<SampleManagementResult FunctionName="Get" ResultCode="100" NativeError="" DialerCallOutcome="13">
See also