Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Extending the UNICOM Intelligence Data Model > Creating a CDSC > DSC naming conventions
DSC naming conventions
UNICOM Intelligence recommends the use of the following naming conventions for DSCs:
Component name
This is the name of the .dll file built by the Visual Basic or Visual C++ project. It should be in the form:
Where xx is an abbreviation for your company and Ddd is an abbreviation that represents the underlying data type. For example:
Component description
This is set in the registration and should be in the form:
<Company name> <Underlying data type> Data Source Component
For example:
ABC Parrot Data Source Component
MyCompany Quanvert Data Source Component
Case data capability class name
This is set in the registration and should be in the form:
<component name>.Source
For example:
Metadata capability class name
This is set in the registration and should be in the form:
<component name>.DddMetadata
Where Ddd is the abbreviation for the underlying data type. For example:
Capability title
This is set in the registration and should be in the form:
<Company name> <Underlying data type> File/Database/...
For example:
ABC Parrot .prt File
MyCompany Quanvert Database
File mask
This is set in the registration and should be in the form:
<File description>|<Filename extension masks>
For example:
Parrot files|*.prt; *.pts
Quanvert project files|*.pkd; qvinfo
See also
Adding registration support to a DSC
Creating a CDSC