Developer Documentation Library > Data Model > Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
General data model FAQs
Your questions answered
Your hierarchical data questions answered
Why is the Data Model better than existing data structures?
Does the Case Data Model have Connection, Command, and Recordset objects that correspond to the three main ADO objects?
Is the .mdd file DTD the UNICOM Intelligence equivalent of a schema?
Where does VDATA reside?
Does the Data Model require SQL Server to be installed?
When using DTS to export to a relational MR database, why is only one table created instead of several?
Why do some variable names give a syntax error in some third-party applications, such as DTS?
Can I use the DSC Registration component to return an MDM Document from an .mdd file?
What is the best way to create a new variable in a Data Model environment?
I want to use the Data Model to access data, but I am used to SPSS-style data. Can you give me an overview?
How can I find the name of the column in the virtual table for a given variable in the MDM Document?
Can you create an empty SPSS Statistics .sav file from an .mdd file?
I want to use an MDSC (or CDSC) object in Visual Basic, but I get an invalid class string error when trying to create the object using CreateObject("myDSC").
I am getting an "Unknown column" error when I attempt to do an INSERT statement on an RDB database
How can I determine the question data type when I use an ADO recordset to access case data?
My custom applications are no longer working after upgrading to UNICOM Intelligence 7.0.1
MDM-related FAQs
How do I convert a string to a numeric for use as an index into an MDM collection in Visual Basic .Net?
I am having trouble adding a new language to an MDM Document. Is there a predefined list of languages that you can use?
How can I find out more about the methods and properties of the MDM objects?
I have used Metadata Model to Quantum to set up custom properties, but I can't see them when I look in MDM Explorer. Where are they and why can't I see them?
Is there an easy way to make the questionnaire definition (.mdd file) available for review over an intranet/extranet?
Why don't my .NET applications that were developed using Data Model 2.8.1 work in later versions of the Data Model?
Why are rows missing from grid variables after merging data sources?
DSC-related FAQs
Data from Quantum or Quanvert appears as XXXXX or 99999 in UNICOM Intelligence Reporter
Creating a CDSC FAQs
How should a CDSC return categorical data?
Testing your CDSC: Troubleshooting
Transferring data FAQs
Data Management troubleshooting
SSIS troubleshooting
Troubleshooting when writing to a .sav file
Troubleshooting when reading from a .sav file
Paper-related FAQs
Is it possible to add macros in Paper? For example, to apply specific Looks to questions that contain specific text in their names
Related topics
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UNICOM Intelligence Data Model