Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server > Architecture > HTML players > Customizing the Interviewer Server client against XML Player
Customizing the Interviewer Server client against XML Player
The UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer XML Player is a simple HTML player that allows you to view and post Player XML (see Player XML schema) by using HTTP. You can implement a component that reads the generated HTML documents, obtains the Player XML, interacts with users to retrieve answers, and constructs the response Player XML. The response Player XML can then be posted to the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer using the XML Player. By using XML Player, load-balancing that is implemented on the Web tier can be used.
To use XMLPlayer, you must add the interview parameter I.Renderer=XMLPlayer in the HTTP request query string or post parameter.
XML Player uses the same interface as HTML Player (IHTMLPlayer), with the exception of the following properties:
Results returned by RenderHTML method
Required XMLPlayer Post parameters
See also
HTML players