Developer Documentation Library > Interviewer - Server > Reference > ISessionEngines interface > GetFailedEngines
Returns a quoted string list of session engines that were registered but have since failed.
GetFailedEngines[Password As String] As String (read only)
'http://IVWSVR1/WS1', 'http://IVWSVR2/WS1'
The Web tier registration password. The password is used to prevent unauthorized access to the session engine list.
A session engine is marked as failed if three consecutive calls to it fail. The Web tier automatically attempts to re‑register a failed session engine after the period specified in the EngineRetryTimeout configuration setting. If the failed engine is still unavailable after the number of retries specified in the EngineMaxRetries configuration setting, the engine is removed from the GetFailedEngines list.
The list of registered and failed engines is saved to file so that session engines do not need to be re‑registered when the Web tier is restarted. The engine registration file, RegisteredEngines.xml, is stored in the same folder as the running instance of UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Web. The file stores the list of registered and failed engines as XML:
    <Engine URL = "http://IVWSVR1/WS1">
    <Engine URL = "http://IVWSVR1/WS2">
    <Engine URL = "http://IVWSVR2/WS1">
The engines referenced in the RegisteredEngines configuration setting are re‑registered on startup, even if they have been moved to the FailedEngines list. For this reason, use the RegisteredEngines configuration setting only when the session engine registration web service is disabled.
See also
ISessionEngines interface