
Method ISession­Engine.­Create­Interviewer­Session

Function CreateInterviewerSession( ByVal InterviewerPropertiesXML As String,
                ByVal StationPropertiesXML As String ) As String

Creates an interviewer session on the Interview tier.


Input argumentInterviewerPropertiesXML

The properties relating to the interviewer as XML.

Input argumentStationPropertiesXML

The properties relating to the interviewer station as XML.

Return Value

The new interviewer session token.


An interviewer session is used to maintain the state of the sample record independently of the running interview.

The interviewer session token is prefixed with '@O-' to differentiate it from an inbound interview session token.

Note. The interviewer session token is only valid on the session engine from which it was created. If, for whatever reason, the session engine is no longer available, a new interviewer session and interview must be created. In a future version of Interviewer Server, the interviewer session token will be persisted to a value cache entry so that outbound fail-over can occur.